English version is to be found in the bottom portion of the page
Concursul European Junior Training (fost initial EUROPEAN IYPT – JUNIORS TRAINING) isi va desfasura cea de a 8-a editie la Timisoara, intre 1 august 2024- 5 august 2024.
Concursul este inregistrat in alendarul MEN:
- EUROPEAN JUNIORS TRAINING Romania, Timisoara 01-05 august 2024
“European Junior Training”, este o competiție lansată în anul 2017 din dorința de a constitui un grup de profesori români interesați în competiții de “debate” în fizică. Apoi din dorinta de a revitaliza practica utilizarii experimentului la clasa in predarea fizicii, competitia s-a orientat spre a determina elevii sa isi faca singuri montajul experimental, masuratorile i prelucarearea lor, urmata de o dezbatere deschisa privind solutiile propuse.
In timp, cu sprijinul nemijlocit al Universității de Vest din Timișoara, a domnului Conf. Univ. Dr. Octavian Mădălin BUNOIU, Prorector responsabil cu strategia academică și relația cu studenții, am reușit sa aducem in competiție: Austria, Bulgaria, Grecia, Serbia, Slovacia,Polonia, Ucraina ,Ungaria alături evident de echipa României.
Informații importante:
- Participarea la acest concurs este “open” pentru orice elev încadrat într-o unitate de invatamant liceal
- echipa este formată din doi elevi concurenți si un profesor cu rol de coordonare
- concursul consta din realizarea cu mijloacele puse la dispoziție de organizatori
a unui dispozitiv experimental care sa permita masurarea marimilor fizice
cerute in problema, a prelucrării datelor experimentale si a sustinerii publice
in cadrul unei ședințe de debate a soluției propuse. - În afara obiectelor puse la dispoziție de organizatori concurenții au dreptul sa posede 2 coli de hartie si un creion
- Echipa castigatoare primește un premiu de 1000 USD cash.
Conditii tehnice
- Intenția de participare la Concurs trebuie exprimată de Profesorul coordonator până in data de Sambata 29 iulie 2024 ora 24,00 pe adresa: golcea.sandu@gmail.com
- Cazarea, Masa, Vizitele la Obiectivele turistice, Excursiile, sunt suportate de organizatori, pentru perioada 1 august incepand cu ora 12,00 si terminand cu mic dejun in data de 5 august
- Fiind un Concurs aflat in calendarul MEN, participarea elevilor români la competiție nu este supusă nici unei taxe.
English version
“European Junior Training”, is a competition launched in 2017 from the desire to form a group of Romanian teachers interested in physics “debate” competitions. Then, out of the desire to revitalize the practice of using the experiment in the classroom in teaching physics, the competition was oriented towards determining the students to make their own experimental assembly, measurements and processing, followed by an open debate regarding the proposed solutions.
In time, with the direct support of the West University of Timișoara, Mr. Conf. Univ. Dr. Octavian Mădălin BUNOIU, Vice-Chancellor responsible for the academic strategy and the relationship with the students, we managed to bring to the competition: Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary obviously alongside the Romanian team.
Important information
- Participation in this competition is “open” for any student enrolled in a high school education unit
- A team consists of two competing students and a teacher with a coordinating role
- The competition consists of the realization with the means provided by the organizers of an experimental device that allows the measurement of the physical quantities required in the problem, the processing of the experimental data and the public support in a debate meeting of the proposed solution.
- In addition to the objects provided by the organizers, competitors have the right to possess 2 sheets of paper and a pencil
- The winning team receives a prize of USD 1000 cash.
Technical conditions
- The intention to participate in the Competition must be expressed by the coordinating Professor by Saturday, July 29, 2024 at 24.00 at the address: golcea.sandu@gmail.com
- Accommodation, Meals, Visits to tourist attractions, Excursions are borne by the organizers, for the period of August 1 starting at 12:00 and ending with breakfast on August 5
- Being a Competition in the MEN calendar, but in the category COMPETITIONS HELD AT THE REGIONAL, EUROPEAN LEVEL, WITHOUT FINANCING FROM THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, a fee of 50 euros / team (1 teacher and two students) is charged, the fee to be paid “on-the-
desk” upon arrival in Romania
The problem of the year 2023
You have at hand a colored bow, a timer, an electronic scale, a schoch roll and a metallic support.
Determine, theoretically and then experimentally, the value of the elasticity constant of the spring, k, within the limits of the experimental errors.